



Buy Now: http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/X2Base?referringRepId=201352

The result of 2 years of R&D conducted by a team of the most qualified experts in fitness, this is training so cutting edge, so outrageously effective, you’ll be blown away by your visible results. AND your performance.

P90X® is based on Muscle Confusion™—to break through normal 30-day training plateaus so you get results fast. P90X2 ups the ante with a training technique developed by professional sports trainers for world class results: P.A.P., or Post-Activation Potentiation. Don’t try to remember the word, just remember that it works. Like crazy.

Order from your Coach or Team Beachbody®, and you’ll also receive two FREE bonus workouts chosen specifically for P90X2.


Buy Now: http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/X2Base?referringRepId=201352


With P90X2, you get 12 groundbreaking workouts focused on chiseling your body while building your balance, agility, core strength, and athleticism. It includes new customization with an all-new, highly flexible Nutrition Guide to help you excel.

THIS, is training. Better training than most pro athletes get. The kind of cross-training that separates posers from performers. And with emphasis on your abs/core, powerful athletic function, and lightning-bolt agility, it’ll help you blast through your plateaus.

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