My Story

Hi everyone! Thank you for checking out my blog! I hope you find some motivation here to help you get healthier!  I am still on my own journey. I have dropped 42 pounds and would like to drop another 30!

I have been overweight most of my life, as far back as I can remember. I was a size 20 in freshman year of high school. I finally had enough of being that big. I hated myself, I hated my body, I hated the way that my clothes fit…well didn’t fit, I hated having to cover up my stomach with my arms while sitting down or standing up. I finally talked to my mom about it. She helped me get on an herbal diet pill and change my diet. I incorporated some light exercise, like walking and sit ups, into my daily routine. In about 9 months I had lost about 60 lbs. and went from a size 22 to a 14! I was beyond excited. I stuck to it and most of it off for 3 years.

My weight slowly crept back up for the next 2 years after that. I was out on my own, working full time and having fun with friends, so while I knew I had to watch my weight, I was preoccupied. My weight was pretty much like a yo-yo. I became pregnant with my amazing daughter in 2005 and had her in 2006. I was able to lose about 30 lbs. right away after I had her. Then, she became my one and only priority. The weight gain and loss continued over several years.

I paid for Jenny Craig. That was a success in the beginning, but then the weight just wouldn’t budge!! The amount of money for that program, in my opinion  is outrageous!  It easily cost $140.00 per WEEK…not including snacks!! No wonder I was broke! I saw a picture of myself that I didn’t even recognize!

D    What was I doing to myself?!?! Needless to say, I shed a few tears. But, I knew I had to make myself a priority, clearly no one was doing it for me!

I saw my friend at work having awesome success with the Paleo diet, so  I gave it a try! **You can find some info on the Paelo diet under Healthy Eating.**

The first 2 weeks doing Paleo, I lost 13 lbs. Yea, seriously…13 pounds!! I had to step on the scale a few times to believe it myself! I then began working out after I saw success in my diet. I started out with Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme. I added Shakeology into my diet, usually for breakfast. At first, the workouts were so tough I couldn’t get through them, now, after sticking with it, I can. I am currently working out with Les Mills Combat and I think it is my all time favorite work out EVER!! My daughter is my number one fan! She pushes me and gives me the “3rd degree” on the days I don’t have the motivation to work out. When I hear “Mommy, we need to exercise and do our squats.”, I get myself off my butt and do it!


I am now down 42 lbs. I love using Beachbody products, that is why I became a Coach! At first, I just wanted the great discounts on the products. But then I started getting some great results and I wanted to help others feel the way I did. I felt empowered, happy, energetic and in control of myself again! I want to help others improve their lives and get healthy! Shakeology is a God send for me. I throw it in the blender right before I walk out the door to work and I have a really great breakfast….that actually fills me up! Honestly, I didn’t really believe that it would keep me full until lunch time…but it DOES!! And I was kind of  scared of the taste hahaha, but it tastes AMAZING!!! Who would of thought?!?!  I have done many of Beachbody workouts like Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire, Hip Hop Abs and now I am using Les Mills Combat. I can say that Les Mills Combat is hands down my favorite program so far…I LOVE it!! Using these workouts 5 days a week is what gives me my energy to keep up with my daughter and puppy! They have so much energy and I know if I wasn’t working out, there is no way I would be able to take them on hikes or walks or even run around at the park! I LOVE Beachbody!

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